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Friday, April 8, 2011

And the Winner is...

In celebration of the release of my newest novella Ghost Bride I am giving away some e-copies and the first winner is ...T.Crosby! Congratulations! Send me an email at angelaaddams@live.ca so I can get some format details from you.

Now for the rest of you...a new contest begins today and will run for the rest of the month. The more times you comment this month the more times your name will go into the hat for a free e-copy of Ghost Bride!

I thought I would make this week's post very simple - I'm looking for some information from you as readers. I've got this character who is buzzing around in my head (I'll be devoting a post to him next week actually) and I'm struggling a little because he seems like a bit of a douche. My question to you all is, can you have a hero who isn't the greatest of guys? Is is possible to be the hero but not be lily white and perfect?

I say yes - I kind of like that about some of the heroes I've come across in my reading adventures - not all saintly - you know, with mixed up morals at times and a rough past to overcome. But what do you all think, can you trust a hero who might not make the right decision all of the time?


  1. I love a reluctant hero who does amazing things despite their character flaws. Makes them seem more real, more approachable, more like somebody I could relate to. Nobody makes the right decisions all of the time, and you just can't please everybody, so give me the tough guys who gets the job done. Because that's what matters, in the end.

  2. Theres a few things that might help you here Angie. The fact that he's not the biggest, the strongest, the smartest or the best looking gives the reader a great number of hooks to associate with him. The fact that he struggles through, fights for every inch that he gets makes victory all the sweeter.

    An expression I once heard from a friend of mine also might help. Only the coward is capable of the greatest heroism.

    Hope it inspires.

  3. Oh I love a messed up hero. Nothing sexier than a guy who really isn't interested in helping, but does it anyways, even if it's begrudgingly. They might not be perfect, but their choices are what defines their character. Not thier looks or attitudes.
    And WOOOT!!!!! I won!!! Amazing read ahead of me and I cannot wait, thank you so much! :)

  4. I would say yes. One such is Barrons from Karen Marie Moning's Fever series. Frankly, a flawed here is more realistic and often more likable.

  5. Congrats, Tammy!!!

    Angela, yes, I'm good with a hero who isn't perfect. Take Clay in Kelley Armstrong's Otherworld books. He's not the hero exactly, but he's an ass and most of us really love him. I'm good with it as long as there are reasons for the behavior. If he's a total douche...then no.

  6. How could I forget about Clay and Barrons! I knew there was a reason why I wasn't tossing this character out!

  7. I'd say that you could. As long as there's something so interesting about him that you can't stop reading. it's been done - Hannibal comes to mind in Hannibal Rising.

    Also, think Interview with a Vampire. They weren't exactly choir boys.
