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Monday, April 4, 2011

Characters, Characters, Everywhere!

Okay, more like a character...as in one character is everywhere! A few weeks ago I wrote a post on authors who talk to their characters...or rather, their characters talk to them - something that I still don't understand completely...but I think I can appreciate the concept a little better now...You see, I have this character that has popped into my head and he won't go away. He doesn't speak to me and I don't have a story for him, all I have is him, what he looks like, what he acts like, what he will sound like...but that's it. He stands in my mind with his arms folded across his massive chest wearing a black wife beater and cargo-like pants (you know, the ones with the big side pockets), his hair is styled into a short blue mohawk and he looks downright pissed. I don't know what his name is, don't know where to put him even...but I do know that once the right story hits he'll be making an appearance as a reluctant and very messed up hero. He's not perfect, in fact, he's a jerk most of the time - at least that's how he is presenting himself in my mind but I like him all the same and I believe my readers will too...if, I can find him a plot.

It's a really strange experience for me - totally new way for a character to come into existence in my mind. In fact, every time I think about writing - which is a lot - he's there...waiting...watching...I just have to give him a story.

Have any of you had this happen before? Got a character who needs a home? A hero who is so present that he invades your thoughts?

Am I going crazy?

Don't forget about the ongoing contest to win an e-copy of Ghost Bride - all you have to do is comment any week this month and your name goes in the draw! The more weeks you comment, the more chances you have to win. I'll be drawing a winner at the end of April!


  1. I think characters can strike from anywhere. They're different, they have a cheeky voice at times and if you're not careful I think you can probably not just put your foot in it but insert the other one as well, do an irish jig and then look like you've spent a night on the booze claiming it wasn't you.

    Just watch what "s/he" says as otherwise you might go oops.

  2. I often start stories with a character and no plot. So I just start with writing something they would say, get a few paragraphs down, usually within a couple days, POW! You'll have your POW moment, hang in there. :)

  3. I have a character that I've been writing about and took a break from for other things that took priority from my writing. This female character is still in my mind waiting for her story to be told, and although she doesn't speak to me, she's there and I can see her, what she looks like and she's definitely haunting me...looks like I'll have to finish her story or I'll never get rid of her..hehe!
    Loved the blog Angela...so familiar! :)

  4. "Have any of you had this happen before? Got a character who needs a home? A hero who is so present that he invades your thoughts?"
    Haha, yes, I've had her for over ten years now. She has two novels and a ton of short stories, and still she won't completely leave me alone. Love her though.

    "Am I going crazy?"
    You're a writer, the answer is you already were crazy. hehe :)

    Congrats on the character!

