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Thursday, August 11, 2011

Great Love Affairs

Since I've been working on an old ms lately, a paranormal romance that I wrote last year, I've been thinking a lot about all of those memorable hook-ups between hero and heroine that have inspired me and my writing. I thought I'd make a list of the top 5 great love affairs in the world of fiction.

1) Mr.Fitzwilliam Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet: Truly amazing union and really one of the most inspirational love affairs that I've ever read. I don't know if it's because of the long chase, the misunderstandings, the covert heroism, the pride or the prejudice (sorry, I couldn't resist), but this is one of those pairings that always comes to mind when I think about sweet romance to the extreme.

2) Wrath and Beth: For all you BDB/J.R.Ward fans, these two really heat up the page with their passionate love affair. Wrath is the typical brooding, badass vampire warrior and Beth is a take no crap kind of girl who seems to be perfect for him. They come together in a gripping instant attraction kind of way and stand by one another even in the worst of times. This couple is one of those ones who make me want to reread the series (or at least their books), especially for those torrid love scenes - wink, wink!

3) Raphael and Cyn: For those of you who haven't read any of D.B. Reynolds books...what the hell is wrong with you? Her first in a series of 8 (I believe) titled Raphael, introduces us to the amazing world of vampire lords and the humans who love, serve, protect them. These two have their issues, as strong willed characters would, but their passion is explosive and their love is eternal. I love how these two come from such independence and strength (sometimes stubborn to the point of personal injury) and work to mold together into a cohesive pair. Definitely ranking with the best of the romantic leads out there.

4) Elena and Clay: Okay, Kelley Armstrong fans out there - these two are one of my favourite couples, even if they aren't vampires ;-) Both bitten werewolves, they each bring their own kind of stubborn strength and electricity to the relationship. Again, it's not all sunshine and roses for these two, but that's part of the allure, I think. What really builds this relationship up for me is that they know each other so well - their connection really translates onto the page in a very realistic way. They might not always get along, but that's what makes their love affair so great.

5) Mac and Barrons: Now some might think that these two were never meant to be together and Moning definitely made us work for it when she started this couple down their path to hell, but in the end their love affair was totally combustible...hot, hot, hot! But not only that, because of everything they go through together, there is also a strong connection that makes their unspoken love for one another so believable. They change (or at least Mac does, Barrons kind of "modifies") and grow in order to envelop one another in this solid unity where you just know they've got each other's back no matter what.

As I'm sure you've noticed, most of my list is comprised of paranormal couples...which is mostly what I read these days. I'm sure there are other great couples out there - what are some of your favorites?


  1. So hard to pick just five, from all the wonderful offerings. May I add Claire and Jamie to the list, as well as Rhett and Scarlett?
    But my favourite couple of all has to be Arrio and Kara - but that's cheating because I made them just for me, so it doesn't count.

  2. Angie, I'm reading Pride & Prejudie & zombies right now, it's just so indulging to lose oneself in Austen's words and world.

    Do you think Darcy was a good hubby after the vows? I often wonder what Austen thought of their marriage, once the honeymoon was over...

    But indeed, one of the best couples in fiction for sure:)

  3. "The intense horror of nightmare came over me: I tried to draw back my arm, but the hand clung to it, and a most melancholy voice sobbed, 'Let me in - let me in!' From Wuthering Heights. I watched the movie. 3 1/2 hours of angst. Blew my manacles. All five you've picked sound less cloying.

  4. Wow that's a good question, totally with you on Elena/Clay, and Raph/Cyn, personally my fav is my boyfriend and I. You probably know him, George Clooney? No? Well that's okay, I try not to take these things personally.

    lol, excellent fun post as always Ang. ;) Cheers!

  5. Claire and Jamie...I forgot about them...until they get too old and then it's just icky.

  6. Anne, great book...I laughed out loud quite a few times...especially with Darcy's musket balls...

  7. Great Post! Thanks for giving detailed description about blog.

  8. Love all the couples mentioned. Jaime and Barrons really do it for me.

    I also love Eric and Sookie. Quirky relationship and they certainly haven't had a smooth ride, but when they connect - oh yeah!

    :) Lisa

  9. There so many to be honest and whilst I admire a lot of the ones in fiction, I want to mention Angel and Buffy, they struggle through so much and yet its a doomed love.

    I suppose fiction wise I'd have to go with Tristan and Isolde. Its a beautiful story that not many read.

  10. Darcy and Elizabeth will always be my favorite. Hands down. I love Raph and Cyn and of course I'm madly in love with Clay and Elena.

    I have to agree with JD that Rhett and Scarlett are a great couple. I love the movie and the book. They're so perfectly suited to each other.

    I also thought about Wuthering Heights, it's such a sick twisted story, but I love it all the same.

    And, even though they aren't a couple, I'm adding Rachel and Trent from Kim Harrison's The Hollows Series. They're so right for each other it hurts.

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  12. What an interesting take on a blog this week Angie. Every week you seem to find something off the beaten path which is not only enlightening but also very enjoyable to read. Loved your views on the couples, some nice choices, and well written as usual.
