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Thursday, October 27, 2011

This is Halloween!

Halloween is my favorite...FAVORITE...holiday of the year! I love everything from carving my pumpkins to dressing up to going trick-or-treating with the kids and all that is in-between.

I love this holiday so much that my house is decorated for Halloween all year...because everyday is Halloween ;-)

These two pictures are my kitchen...I'm almost certain that whoever installed these cabinets intended the top part to be used for boring plants or something...not in the Addams' house though...

This is a picture of the china cabinet in my dinning room...my prized Wicked Witch dolls along with other Halloween themed goodies.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg...I've got touches of Halloween everywhere in my house...including on my body...6 of my tattoos are connected in some way to Halloween.

So everyday truly is Halloween for me...I live it, breath it...wear it...get totally excited (beyond reason) when I see all of the fun new Halloween goodies I can buy to adorn my house.

I'll be watching The Nightmare Before Christmas (a tradition at my house) while I carve my pumpkin (hopefully with my daughter this year). I'll be roasting the seeds, baking some pumpkin shaped cookies and eating loads of candy with zero guilt.

There you have it...a tiny glimpse into the real world of Angela Addams...hope you all enjoy Halloween as much as I do!


  1. Good pics Angie! Plus a nice insight into you as a person. I really enjoyed this little glimpse. It wasn't boring that's for sure. A happy post!! :)

  2. LOL, are you sure you're not living up to the typical Adam's family values? LOL

    Always fun to have things that make you laugh and make the house a home. I'm still trying to talk my other half into letting me install a "library" in the main bedroom. mmmm, bookses.

  3. Thanks for sharing the pics, Angela! Halloween is my Monster's favorite holiday too. We're big fans of Jack Skelington in our house. :)

  4. Love it! Especially the cranky face pumpkin on the shelf! You're officially the other "Addams Family". Do you have any broomsticks?

  5. We really are sisters in a goth world, my dear - LOVE your dolls...

  6. Looks like a fun house, Angie. I love Halloween too. Look forward to it all year. Everytime someone asks me why I wear black nail polish all year long (it's sometimes grey or purple) I answer: every day is Halloween (where have I heard that before?).

  7. A wonderful insight into Angie World. It is a dark and Gothique place, and yet strangely warm and inviting. When can you pick me up from the airport? ;)

    The china dolls are fun, did you make them?

  8. Marianne: There's a Ministry song called Everyday is Halloween!

    TJ...No I didn't make them...one is Barbie (special edition) and one is from Franklin Mint.

  9. Looks great, Angie. My old apartment was decked out much the same. I miss all the spooky stuff. Have a wonderful Halloween. :)

  10. Looks like loads of fun! With the new place, I get free reign of decor. Think I may take some advice from you ;)

  11. You rock Angela! Thank you for sharing this very interesting part of your life!
    Happy Halloween....enjoy the sweets. (My faves are the melasses chews or Sainte Catherines!)

  12. Thanks for the pix, it's nice to get a glimpse. I am not at all surprised that you are decorated for Halloween year round. :D

    Good luck with the pumpkin carving.

  13. I am completely with you! I love Halloween and get so excited - the amount of decorations and tableware/drinksware I have for Halloween is overflowing the loft in England! I couldn't get it all shipped to me here in time though :( so I missed my blinking eyes on the windows and ornaments gallore.

    I was surprised at how few decorations the stores here had, so we just celebrated with some home made pumpkin pie (made by me!) and spooky cat and ghost cookies :)

    Glad to know I'm not alone with the Halloween love though.
