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Thursday, December 1, 2011

7 Things You Don't Know About Me!

So I was nominated for another one of these sugary sweet awards…this time it’s called One Lovely Blogger Award…and as you all could probably guess, I won’t be posting the picture…this time it’s just too darn pink! So if you want to see it then you can scroll through the chain that begins for me with the folks who nominated me, Lisa and Heidi (actually I think there might have been one other person who nominated me some time ago, but I can’t find that post so if it’s you…thanks, whoever you are;-)

I’m supposed to share 7 things about myself…so here goes.

1) Partly as a big F.U. to a certain someone and partly as a classic Angie move, I wore black and orange striped tights under my wedding dress and flashed the them during the photograph and garter belt portion of the evening.

2) I could, have, and would again, eat an entire package of bacon all to myself. Disgusting, I know, but I love greasy pig ;-)

3) I stopped writing for five years after receiving a major rejection in university from the creative writing program that I so wanted to get accepted to. Turns out that it was a blessing in disguise…getting into that program would have crippled me both creatively and with regards to my future career.

4) I am very flexible…did years of gymnastics as a kid and then years of yoga pre-children. Being extremely bendable is very good.

5) I have been told that when I give my opinion I punctuate it with a silent, don’t effing argue with me tone and look. And usually people heed that warning. Well, the smart ones do anyway.

6) My husband built me this incredible writer’s loft in the attic of our house and I think I’ve only spent maybe two hours actually writing in it…I do most of my work on the couch or in my bed…shameful, I know.

7) I don’t have any brothers or sisters, but I do have a cousin who I am very close with. She and I have perfected a F.U. laugh…when someone says something stupid, unkind or ignorant we have this chuckle...to the unsuspecting person it just sounds like a normal, short, laugh, but dear couz and I both know exactly what it means when we hear it…which then makes us laugh for an entirely different reason.

So that’s it…more facts than you really need to know about me. I’m going to opt out of the tagging portion of this award…I think the chain needs to stop with me…I’ve nominated enough people for other awards in the past month or so and would probably be testing the boundaries of what is blog acceptable if I pass this one on to anyone else.


  1. I feel enlightened! Thank you for accepting this award despite the (I agree with you) ridiculous amount of pink. You have managed to turned a Lovely Blogger award into something decently dark.

  2. Truly my gothsis, I have perfected my own FUBAR laugh and have stopped writing for many years. Great minds, Morticia...

  3. My daughter wore black and orange striped tights with her witch dress for Halloween. I silently wondered to myself if they could stretch to fit me. Hmmm...

  4. My daughter wore black and orange striped tights with her witch dress for Halloween. I silently wondered to myself if they could stretch to fit me. Hmmm...

  5. LOL, thanks for the thoughts Angie. It means a lot to see a big finger to the establishment. Look forward to other weird and wonderful facts.

  6. See now we're learning so much about each other and getting that close feeling! Thanks for sharing.

  7. It's always fun getting these extra peeks at our online friends. Although, I'm guilty of not spreading these around either. LOL

  8. Thanks for sharing Angie. I don't have a writer's loft, but I do have a desk I never use because I can never find it under all the things I heap on top of it. Love the stripy tights under the wedding dress! I may pinch that idea in due course.

  9. Love getting to know you better! With regard to putting your writing on hold - sometimes... the best things come from out of the dark.

  10. Hi Angie,

    They maybe things I never knew about you, but somehow they ring true with what I know about you already...

    Personally I can't wait until you are famous and the fully posable Angie action doll is released, with scratch and sniff bacon scented clothing. ;)

  11. A great get-to-know you blog Ang. I loved the idea of the tights, and totally get the 'laugh', since I have a similar one with a select few family members and friends...yes we're all twisted people. LOl Great insight! :)

  12. It's funny how many of you have the same f.u. laugh...I thought, my cousin and I were the only ones who did that ;-)

    Bacon scented action figure? Hmmmm, that would be kind of gross. Most days I smell like strawberries ;-)

  13. Omigod you crack me up! I effing loved the orange and black tights! *goth high five* soo funny!

  14. Hi! Someone in my Facebook group shared this website with us so I came to look it over. I'm definitely loving the information. I'm book-marking and will be tweeting this to my followers! Excellent blog and wonderful design.

  15. Love the tights!

    Thanks for sharing.

