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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Unlikely Romance Writer

It's kind of ironic that I've found such passion for writing about love and romance considering that I'm one of the least romantic people around. That's right, it's confession time --Angela Addams does not do romance in real life...all that corny, lovey-dovey, hearts and flowers crap makes me want to barf...seriously...my husband has it easy...I don't like flowers (they just die and make a mess anyway), I'm not big into remembering anniversaries and whatnot, Valentine's Day? Yeah, not really a big deal to me (other than for the kids)...I don't insist on over the top public displays of affection (I mean, I like holding hands and stuff ;-) but some couples...well, let's just say no one wants to or needs to see that kind of thing ;-P )

So why do I write in a genre that centres around such things?

I write about passion and lust and magnetism...and that I believe in. That I've felt. I write about characters who find their soul mates, their best friend, their other half...I write about the real stuff...the fights, the down and dirty, the need and want and desire. In my stories the love is there --it's obvious, it's perfect in and of itself...but I make my characters work for it. I do that because in real life love and relationships are things you have to work at -hearts and flowers are not going to fix everything all the time --Valentine's Day...it only comes once a year.

I might cringe and gag when I see or read over the top romantic nonsense but only because, to me, that isn't the real thing...that's smoke and mirrors and fantasy. When I write an erotic romance I write it with the real thing in mind --two people, drawn together, unable to stay apart who have to work to make it work. Two people who cherish each other. That's what romance is to me. That's the real thing.


  1. Exactly! Your characters and their relationships are the ones that appeal to me in books too. And if I want flowers and chocolates, I'll them for myself.

  2. A really honest and candid post Angie. It is a little unusual to find a romance writer who has such a 'practical' outlook, but from the positive reviews your writing doesn't suffer as result -- it just has a unique flavour to it.

    Do you think you would ever try and write a 'hearts and flowers' heroine (or even hero), just for the challenge? It could create an interesting dynamic between the couple if one was romantic in the traditional sense, and the other in the practical sense.

  3. Great post, Angie. I'm with you on the one-day-a-year lovey dovey crap. I want the real deal, every day LOL.

  4. I like that by reading your blog I learn more about you. :-)

  5. Hi Angie,
    To be honest I don't understand some of the romance stories out there, that love at first sight, the passion that burns forever and characters that simply get whatever they want just doesn't ring true for the vast majority of people.

    Having people that have to work for it, have to search long and hard and then have to continually work to keep it burning, thats familiar, thats real life and for me as a reader that means that you can associate with it.

  6. I'm not a big one for romance in real life, either, haha.

  7. That's interesting, TJ...don't know if I can do it though. I'll give it some thought ;-)

    Thanks for the comments everyone!

  8. I think it gives you a perspective and allows you to effectively describe romance to readers.

    Writers are observers anyway.

    The whole thing about "write what you know" is misconstrued to mean "what we experience."

    Asimov and Heinlein and Bradbury didn't experience space travel - but they observed the emergence of rocketry blended into periods of civil unrest and international challenges. Larry McMurtry didn't live in the Old West, but he made a study of it and observed it through others' accounts of their travels and travails.

    I think you being a good writer (which you are as I've read one of your books) are also a good observer and you're perfectly situated to communicate what you see and vicariously experience so that a reader will feel it as well.

  9. I think you should try Angie, it's be a good challenge. But in the meantime, I like your perspective, both in real life and in writing.

  10. I think you should try Angie, it's be a good challenge. But in the meantime, I like your perspective, both in real life and in writing.

  11. Thanks, Matthew, that's very kind.

    I'll give it some thought, you two...I've been toying with an idea...the only problem is suppressing the need to barf when things get too sappy ;-)

  12. That's exactly how I feel. I don't need big displays, I want true extensions of love. And when you write from that same place, that's what people connect with because the rest, like you said, is just smoke and mirrors, and both lovers and readers will eventually see through that.
