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Sunday, July 8, 2012

Guest Post: Author Krista Walsh

I'd like to introduce a writer friend of mine, the talented Krista Walsh! I thought it might be fun to do a little bit of a first date kinda thing with Krista and have her tell us about some of her favourite things...the kind of things she can't live without.

Favourite food:  Yes, I realise I cannot live off of peanut butter and chocolate, but no that will not stop me from trying.  My love of Reese Peanut Butter Cups kind of a took a turn for the obsession when they came out with KitKat crunchy peanut butter bars (do they still make those? …) and Peanut Butter M&Ms. Now, I will happily consume anything that combines these two incredible amazing ingredients. And yes, on a bad day that includes jar of peanut butter, a handful of chocolate chips, and a spoon.  (I am totally a peanut butter, chocolate combo addict as well!!!)

Favourite Movie: “Too bad bread makes you fat.”
“Bread makes you fat?!”
This movie is a collection of one-liners and I’ve pretty much memorized them all. Best description of this film for those who haven’t seen it: it’s a musical, except instead of bursting out into song, they burst into video game-style boss fights. There are films I’ve known longer and seen more times, but probably no other that enters so often into daily conversation. Scott Pilgrim also stars my Hollywood Crush, which makes it an all around perfect film and a great indulgence at the end of a bad day. Sometimes with a jar of peanut butter. 

Generally in life, I wouldn’t say I’m high maintenance. It’s possible my friends will laugh at this statement, but since they’re not here right now, I’ll go ahead and say it anyway.  The exception to this rule? I’m never at a
comfortable temperature. In the sun I’m too hot, in the shade I’m too cool, at work I’m frozen. The only time I’m ever perfect? When I’m sitting in front of my space heater. It’s safe to say the thing is permanently on from October to May. A perfect winter’s day for me (and it’s Canada, so those days stretch out over half a year) is to be in a small corner with a heater and a book.

Favourite Book: Possibly even this book. If we were talking stranded on island with only one thing to read for the rest of my life, I’d go with this one. I tried to find the cover of the edition I have, but apparently it was a one-time deal. My grandmother got this book for my 14th birthday and I’ve read it once or twice a year since then. And that was awhile ago. Yes, it’s a sweet tale based in a simpler, early Canadian time, but it’s the honesty I love. Not the moving, thought-provoking kind of honesty either. More the: life sucks, so why waste what short time we have doing what everyone expects of us? Highly recommended for the humour and the wake-up call.

Favourite album: I wouldn’t say Snow Patrol is my favourite band because my music taste is pretty eclectic, but I would consider A Hundred Millions Suns my go-to album. It’s the most versatile – easy to put on in the background and forget when I need to focus, but engaging when I need to be distracted. It also has a lot of lyrics that stand out for their incredible imagery and poetry.

Pretty much my life in a nutshell, or…in a peanut butter jar next to a heater with a good book and background music. Interested in learning more? Click on the links below to step into my brain.

It says something about a person when her own parents believe she’s a bit round the bend. Prone to talking to herself, and with only one foot in reality, Krista Walsh has long accepted that normalcy is overrated. A lover of all things gothic, and fantastical, she tags along on the adventures of sorceresses and vampires, bringing their stories to the mundane place that is the real world. 


  1. Hey look, it's me on someone else's blog! Trippy.

  2. What a wonderful post into a fascinating person. I love Scott Pilgrim (the film), I love it's innocence and optimism. Great for one-liners as pointed out. Excellent work, ladies, this was insightful and entertaining :)

  3. haha! always love your humour Krista! You're very refreshing.
    Such a fun swap to read from two people I find fascinating. :)

  4. It is our differences that make the experiences we share richer, and our lives fuller.

    I do not understand why you want to dilute chocolate with anything, but I really enjoyed Scott Pilgrim. Temperature should be perfect, but I have never read The Blue Castle or listened to A Hundred Million Suns.

    I will also cast my vote for you notbeing high maintenance. To the best of my knowledge you wash your own clothes, buy your own food, and are perfectly capable of finishing your own sentences.

    Vive la difference!

  5. Thanks guys! It was a blast to do this swap and I'd love to step into the blog again sometime :)
