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Tuesday, July 2, 2013

External Validation? Hell yes!

I've got some news, BIG NEWS!

I don't know if many of you have a bucket list (a list of things you want to do before you die), but I do. It's my writer bucket list and on it are only a handful of things. Number one was to get an agent. I did that, twice over, and due to diverging paths, am now agentless - a thoroughly thought-out decision made by moi. This is not a bad thing, it just is what it is. I was tethered and now I am not, and that's not a bad thing either.

Another thing on my bucket list is to get published by one of the BIG epubs. I'm very excited to announce that I have signed a contract with one of those publishers. My sexy, rock-star werewolf novella entitled Cursed will be published by Samhain Publishing in May 2014 (tentatively) and I am super freakin stoked about that! Seriously huge honor to be among the authors on their roster. I am also excited to be working with Holly Atkinson, my editor at Samhain, who has been so complimentary, helpful and welcoming!

Moving forward never felt so good.


  1. WOO HOO! Congratulations! But that's a long time to wait. :(

  2. You're "vert" excited eh? Looks like we're both winners with the typos!

    So happy for you, my friend!!

  3. Huge congrats!!!! So happy for you. I know how hard you've worked for this and how long of a road it's been. You're a rockstar! #RebelLove

  4. Thanks, ladies!

    And yes, Dani...I was vert excited! lol So much so that I failed to catch that apparently! lmao!

  5. That's brilliant, well done you!

  6. I love Samhain authors. And I love you. Match made in Heaven. So happy for you and your bucket list! Can't wait to read it.

  7. Fantastic news! Congratulations!

  8. Amazing!! So thrilled for you! Yaaaaay!

  9. Fantastic news! You deserve it!! Congrats!

  10. Congratulations! This is an awesome story, and it has found a great home. Rebel Love!

  11. Woohoo!! Congrats! That is so exciting! *Rebel love*
