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Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Presenting....CURSED...Cover Reveal!

Here it is!!!! My totally amazing, sexy, gorgeous cover for Cursed, Book One in my new series, The Order of the Wolf. (Release tentatively scheduled for  June 2014 at Samhain Publishing)

I have been pretty lucky with all of my covers but this is probably my favorite. I'm sure you can see why...can you say yum? I'll have the official blurb soon, but for now meet Raven, sexy bassist for the metal band Riot (who also happens to be a werewolf) and Darcy, a vengeance dealing witch who picks the wrong guy to curse.

Feast your eyes, folks...it's okay to indulge, this bad boy was made to be eaten up ;-)


  1. Very sexy, Gothsis.

    Oh, and Cerise thinks so, too:)

  2. Yum yum yum. Love it!! Can't wait to read the blurb, but the teaser you offered is great taste :D

  3. Yum! Too bad we have to wait year.

  4. Thanks, Ladies!

    The artist captured Raven and Darcy perfectly!

    It'll be worth the wait, Bea, I promise ;-)

  5. Hi Angie,

    It's great to see something concrete for a book: and this cover makes it seem 'real' and I'm sure will inspire your writing.

    The cover has a sense of drama, and I guess he's 'hunky' if you like that sort of thing, but I don't get much sense of his personality.

    Is he a decent chap? Does he help chickens cross the road? Does he let people pet him without removing fingers? And does he clean up after himself when he sheds on the carpet?

    These are important things to consider when looking for a mate. ;-)

    Dating advice over, congrats again on landing a publisher, and all the best with the writing.
