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Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Time, Timing and Other Stuff.

Been busy working on stuff....day job stuff, writing stuff. Lots and lots of stuff. I've got some irons in the fire happening and I've been doing a whole lot of saying no at the day job...which is VERY hard for me to do. I've talked about being type A in other blog posts and with that comes the need to agree to all the great projects that get thrown my way. I hate missing opportunities and I always like to learn new things. BUT I also need time to write and until my writing world starts paying the bills, I'm stuck doing the day job which is time consuming in and of itself. So, be proud of me, folks because I've already said no to three new projects at work and plan to do a whole lot of writing in place of that.

On deck is the sequel to Wolves' Bane (due for release January 2015). I've got an interesting plot playing out in my head for that one...and an unexpected character who is being insistent about taking the MC role. She's pushy as all hell. I like her already.

I wrapped up some projects, got a lot of editing done, and am waiting on some bits of information before I proceed with the next phase of my plans. This is the timing piece of my world with lots of pondering about paranormal romance/ urban fantasy and what readers want right now. I'll be blogging about this later.

I plan on doing a few contests in July and August to celebrate the release of Cursed so keep your eyes open for that.

That's all for now, my lovely readers. :-)

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