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Monday, September 8, 2014

I Have Some News!!!!!!!


This news deserves a lot of exclamation points...like...LOTS!!!!!!

I have signed my fifth contract with Samhain for the next novel in the Order of the Wolf series....Mayhem!!

That's right...pack alpha and front man of Riot...this is Mayhem's book. It's a long time coming and one I'm super excited about.

Just a little back story...this whole series actually started with Mayhem's book, or at least that's what I thought was going to happen. When I started getting some editor feedback and realized that the story needed to start with Cursed, I changed up my plans and ended up expanding on Mayhem's book from 20K to 50K.

I have a tentative release date for August 2015!

So that's my news :-D

If you haven't popped over to Bea's Book Nook...I have a guest post and a giveaway happening over there. Bea gave me an awesome review of Cursed that made me grin all day.

Go check it out and enter the contest while you're at it!

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