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Monday, May 18, 2015

And then she came back...

So, I survived the RT Convention in Dallas...do I get some kind of badge or something? lol

What a fabulous, exciting, totally exhausting time I had! There was wicked weather, humidity the likes of which my hair couldn't comprehend, and lots and lots of books!

There were some bucket list things I set out to do while in Texas.

1) Eat steak and eggs, Texas style.

And HOLY CRAP, it was the best steak and eggs of my life! Yes, that's butter sauce all over the top of it. Heart attack city but so, so worth it.

2) Meet up with some of my fabulous writing friends.

I finally got to meet D.B. Reynolds in person! It was so awesome being able to chat with her in the flesh rather than our usual on line chats. She has been a good friend to me over the years and I loved being able to give her a hug in real life! (Yes, you read that right. I hugged at RT. A LOT!)

And I also reconnected with Julie/Seleste, a long time writing friend. We've met up in person before in Toronto but that was a long time ago (way back when I was pregnant with my son). She was gracious enough to help me navigate the insanity of the giant book fair and we had lots of fun sitting across the aisle from one another throwing chocolate kisses.

The book fair was quite the experience. I got to meet some of the wonderful reviewers who have been so supportive of The Order series. I also had the pleasure of sitting next to Cherry Adair, who is totally hilarious and very generous. She gave me some stickers to put on my books and kept me chocolate fed and laughing.

I also got to spend some time with Kyla Holt, another writing friend who I'd never actually met in person. She's super sweet and a blast to hang out with. She promised me she would come up to Canada soon so I'm expecting a visit any day now ;-)

And Jodi Redford, who, sadly, I didn't get a picture with, but who gave me some great advice and tips for some of my future goals. Awesome lady to get to know and lots of fun to chat with.

There were many other amazing ladies that I met at the convention, readers, reviewers, bloggers and authors who made the whole trip very memorable.

The last thing I did that I'd set out to accomplish was...

3) Meet Kresley Cole!!! And I did...

She was wonderful and autographed a book for me. :-D

I also got to meet and get an autograph from Christopher Rice, which is great since I met up with his mom back in November too. Full family experience in my author life. lol

RT is a crazy hectic, fun time. I met a lot of new people, readers, reviewers, bloggers, other authors. Everyone was friendly and I really loved Texas; the accents are so awesome.

I plan on sending out a newsletter in the next couple of weeks where I'll reveal the cover of Valiant Heart, book 6 in the Order of the Wolf series.  It's super hot and you don't want to have to wait so get a glimpse of Lance ;-)

So if you're interested in a sneak peek, sign up for my newsletter.

That's it for now, folks. I'm sure other tid bits from the con will pop up here and there...it's just too much to process all at once. 

1 comment:

  1. Certainly seemed like a lot to take in and in such a short time. Certainly a great venue to network. A couple more of these types of events and you'll be a seasoned pro! Thanks for sharing.
