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Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Long and Short Reviews is Having a Party!!

Mayhem is featured over at Long and Short Reviews for their Anniversary party today! Pop over and enter to win a giveaway for an Amazon or BN gc! 

In other fabulous news....I recently accepted an offer of representation from Jessica Alvarez at BookEnds! Yippy! We'll be working on a non-paranormal project (gasp!) together. 

I'm gearing up for Valiant Heart's release on November 10th. If you haven't pre-ordered, the links are below. This is Lance and Ariana's story. I know a lot of folks really loved Lance and Ariana is maybe one of my favourite heroines in the series...she's a kick-ass Amazon warrior. 

I'll be featuring some exclusive excerpts in my upcoming newsletters, as well as a contest, so if you want a taste of Lance and Ariana, I suggest you sign up.

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