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Monday, November 2, 2015

Editor Appreciation Day!

Samhain Publishing is celebrating their 10th anniversary this month and they've got a whole bunch of amazing things going on.

Even though I'm approaching my 6th book release with Samhain, I'm still a newbie there and one person who I really want to thank for helping to guide me through the insane experience of a release every three months (or so) has been my amazing editor, Holly Atkinson.

She and I share a passion for kick ass female characters, Buffy, and working our asses off. She has taught me so much in the time we've been working together and for some reason has not yet gotten sick of editing my work.

She has been there for me with valuable advice, has guided my writing, and has pushed me when I needed it. She also leaves me funny notes while we're editing because sometimes I do dumb shit.

She has been the greatest cheerleader of my Order of the Wolf series and has believed in my vision the entire time. Now we're working on another series, The Dark War, and I'm so excited to have her with me on a new adventure.

She offered me my first contract with Samhain a few years ago and it changed my writing life. I count her as a friend as well as a mentor and I can't tell you enough just how awesome of a person she is.

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