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Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Exciting News!!

I'm super happy to announce that Beast Rising, Book 7 of The Order of the Wolf has a tentative release planned for early 2017!!!

At this point I don't have all the details to share but once things start coming through, blurb, cover, etc, I'll be sure to update you.

Beast Rising is technically considered the finale of the series and will tie up all the threads from relationships to battles. It includes an ensemble cast of characters from many of the other books and is told from the POV of the wolves and their mates.

I wrote this book last summer and wasn't sure what was going to happen with it but it's on track for release with edits starting soon! And a big bonus is that I get to work with my editor Holly Atkinson who has had an editing hand in helping me shape all of the books to date. Her insight has been invaluable to me and I'm thrilled to be working with her again.

This series has taken me on a great writing journey and I'm both happy and sad to see it come to an end, but all things must...at least for now.

I have some other things in the works...possibly a new venture soon to come that may involve a new pen name ;-) but I can't say more than that now.

Back to the editing cave for me! Catch ya later!

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