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Saturday, December 3, 2016

Exciting News!

Quite unexpectedly I had a very exciting thing happen this week...I was scouted!! Dave Thomas, of DarkFuse came looking for me! FOR ME!!

This is one of those writerly bucklet list things. Scouted to write something special for a publisher. Well, it happened, Dave came looking and I was ready for it. He pitched an idea, write for his new series, Erotikos, specializing in erotic dark fiction, and of course I said yes!

I was so inspired that I wrote something up for him that day and within a couple of days I was officially a DarkFuse author!

This isn't my normal erotic stuff, it's grittier, darker, and much more disturbing. Dave has given me a green light to explore the deepest depths of my naughty imagination so be prepared for some squirm-inducing stories.

This is a new path for me, unexpected but very welcome. I can't wait to see what comes next.

I'll let you all know when the story goes live and keep ya posted on any other exciting things that may be coming.

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