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Monday, February 10, 2020

Release Day for Keep Me Wanting!

It's finally here! I've been eagerly awaiting release day for Keep Me Wanting because I can't wait for you to read it.

You can buy your copy from all available retailers HERE

Check out the awesome reviews it's getting: Goodreads

This story is all but impossible to put down.  ~Jenn the Readaholic

Keep Me Wanting was so much more than I had anticipated! A wonderful story of unexpected second chances, familial craziness and the strength of two amazing people in the face of adversity. ~Karen Roma

This was my first time reading Angela Addams and I really enjoyed her writing. She also writes paranormal and I'm gonna go check all those books out after. ~Alicia

Keep Me Wanting will take you on an emotional roller coaster with moments of laughter, to emotional hard breaking pain. This is more than a love story! I can't wait to read more from this author ~Lovely Loveday

I enjoyed everything about this book because it encompassed a little bit of everything I love. I will definitely be reading more from this author in the future!  ~ Tracey

Join me on my blog tour!

I've got something happening every day this week! Guest posts, contests, interviews, reviews, check it out! 
*links will go live as the week progresses

Monday Feb 10th 

Tuesday Feb 11th

Wednesday Feb 12th

Thursday Feb 13th

Friday Feb 14th

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