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Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Mystery Bag Giveaway!



April 7th

Fill your eReader with a surprise!

Is your eReader full of tumbleweeds? Do you need something to read but have no idea where to start? Let my mystery box pick for you!

Forty authors teamed up to bring you TWENTY-NINE mystery bags of romance. Alpha heroes, untouchable bosses, sexy vampires, kilted pirates, and more wait to sweep you away. There will be numerous winners!

You get to pick between the three categories what interests you most: Contemporary, Historical, Paranormal

Enter whichever genre is your catnip, or go for all three if you love everything romance.

Do you want a sneak peek hint of which books are available in the bundle? Visit the giveaway page to check them out and enter.

The giveaway is sponsored by these wonderful authors:

Ellen Mint • N.J. Adel • Kara Kendrick • Jaqueline Snowe • Megan Slayer • C.J. Burright • Aurora Russell • Tina Gallagher • Melissa McClone • January Bain • Sheri-Lynn Marean • Jennifer Wilck • Angela Addams • Robert Herold • PE Kavanagh • AE Lister • Katherine McIntyre • Maggie Blackbird • Renee Regent • Anna Taylor Sweringen • Amanda Uhl • Angela Taylor • TJ Finn • Jessie Harper • Cassie O’Brien • S. J. Coles • M.C. Frank • Brooklyn Knight • Sue London • Michelle Deerwester-Dalrymple • Laurie Benson • J.P Bowie • Tia Didmon • Zoe Beth Geller • Sandra Carmel • J.R. White • Robecca Austin • T. Strange • Janis McCurry

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