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Friday, April 29, 2011

A Winner, An Interview and A Review!

Wow what a week! Not only did Kate and William get married but I've drawn a winner for a free e-copy of Ghost Bride! I know, I know, it's all so exciting!

I'm really not a huge royal family fan but I have to admit while I was up feeding my son at holy crap in the morning, I did tune in to the news channel to watch part of the ceremony. I also waited around to watch the first kisses. Very romantic!

Anyway, enough of that, on to the winner for the month of April - Thanks to everyone who commented on my blog posts this month - the winner for April is...Pat Hollett! Congratulations Pat! Send me an email at angelaaddams@live.ca so I can get some details from you.

For the rest of you - I've got a quickie contest starting tomorrow - it will last until next Thursday at midnight - all you have to do is comment on my review or interview over at Bea's Book Nook (she's posting it Saturday morning) or post a comment here and you'll be entered to win an e-copy of Ghost Bride. I'll draw the winner for next Friday's post.

Happy Friday everyone!


  1. Congrats to Pat and that's a good use of early morning feeding time :)

  2. Congrats Pat and all the best to everyone for the next competition.

  3. Yeah Pat!!! :) We're lucky girls!
    Angie will try and remember to get over there tomorrow to peek. When you're up tonight you can watch the wedding highlites! ;) haha!

  4. WOW!!!! Totally excited Angela! Thanks for this. I'm so thrilled. Can't wait to get it and read it. And wow!!! (said that already) Can't help it! I was shocked to read my name there. Thank YOU!! :) *does happy dance*
    And thanks Sel and Gareth! :)

  5. Congrats Pat!

